Goods distribution centres
Ordering at the click of a mouse! Amazon, Ebay & Co. – online business is growing at an amazing rate and not only for consumers. Companies also order goods, raw materials and components and spare parts almost exclusively via digital channels.
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Package sorting systems
Next day? Same day! Whether they are consumers or companies, today everybody expects not only to be able to order their goods conveniently with a click of the mouse but also that the consignment arrives quickly and reliably.
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Baggage handling systems
Ready for take-off! Global air traffic is increasing year on year. And the number of passengers is increasing too. More passengers mean more luggage. And more luggage means increasing requirements for conveying and sorting systems.
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Product makeover! Global routes and shorter and shorter response times - logistics requirements are constantly increasing. Even the most efficient conveying and sorting systems therefore come up against their limits from time to time.
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